تسجيل الدخول

open BIM Awards

31 مايو 2024

open BIM Awards

The openBIM Awards are an opportunity for organizations to showcase their application of buildingSMART open standards and solutions to benefit the delivery of their project, along with the improvements this is leading to in the performance and sustainability of their business, across asset delivery or operations.

Deadline submission: 31 May 2024

Awards website: 


بلدية دبي

منطقة الرقة ، ديرة ، ص.ب 67

800900 على مدار الساعة

ساعات العمل
الإثنين الى الخميس: من الساعة 7:30 صباحاً وحتى 3:30 مساءً
الجمعة: من الساعة 7:30 صباحاً وحتى 12:00 مساءً
السبت والأحد: مغلق
